PATCHES believes in building up to 10 satellite adoption centers in all parts of Maricopa County each approximately 15k SF. These would be places in retail space where the population shops. These centers will work to bring in county dogs and cats along with handling dog and cats from rescues. Each center can transfer dogs and cats between centers to give them the best chance of adoption. Each of these centers can also handle intake from the public so animals do not end up on the streets.

Each of these adoption centers can handle up to 80 dogs and 80 cats. Each center contains a co-working space for local rescues to adopt out cats and dogs allowing rescues to also pull more animals from MCACC reducing the overcrowding of the county shelter system that causes negative outcomes. Each center contains many of the same amenities that are in a large mega-shelter system and extras they do not provide. These include Isolation for dogs and cats, nursery, indoor exercise and training and vet clinic.
People want to go to a pet friendly adoption center instead of traveling to one of the mega-shelters that could be many miles away from where they live.
Rescues have the option to assist in care and do their own adoptions or a trained staff can complete these tasks daily. Each center has expanded adoption hours that will fit anyone’s schedule to find their new dog or cat. Individuals will also have the ability to shop from home viewing animals online and setting up scheduled meet and greets.

PATCHES believe in growing and strengthening the rescues. This is done by working together and sharing resources that may be in abundance to some rescues and not others, also the availability of low cost medical and food.
PATCHES will have available classes on numerous topics for rescues to allow them to handle more than they do today.
PATCHES have amenities for rescues to use which include work stations, conference rooms, and break room.
All participating rescues also will be on a governing committee reviewing practices and standards on a continuing basis. Each participating rescue will have one vote no matter how many kennels and enclosures they are using. We wish to make PATCHES an innovative incubator making it a model for other communities as well.
This facility will serve as the drop off & pick up point for the food donations that support other local animal rescue groups that are volunteer-based. Food is a major expense for animal rescues that currently prevents them from saving more animals. Colony care givers often work full-time jobs to be able to pay for the food for the colonies they serve.
While PATCHES goal is finding homes for dogs and cats, PATCHES believes in using the care of the dog and cat to also help humans. Sometimes giving the human a second chance. A portion of the employees and volunteers will consist of the following categories
PATCHES will hire veterans for animal therapy work. Many studies show the therapeutic value of war veterans working with animals.
PATCHES want to hire displaced youth. These are young people 18-24 years old that need guidance on life and are going down the wrong path to becoming responsible citizens. This group of individuals will be paired up with veterans that know responsibility and structure.
PATCHES invite the elderly to work with the puppies and kittens. This may be in the nursery. A program several years ago was conducted in Tucson where the elderly was able to work with the nursery animals, lowering blood pressure, reduced the need for pharmaceuticals, and gave them purpose in life.
PATCHES see a need for the housing of domestic violence victims’ animals. Some shelters for domestic violence victims have support for their animals also, but not all. The ones that do not many times keeps the victim in a relationship with the fear the spouse will kill or harm their animal. PATCHES will house their animal(s) for volunteer hours and offer and train them for a job within PATCHES.
Homeless people, these days are on most street corners. PATCHES will hire and train them for animal work if they have completed treatment. This might be a second chance for these individuals. Again, if an animal is also involved. PATCHES will house their animal for a combination of volunteer hours and paid hours.